четверг, 29 сентября 2016 г.

Прекрасное слово fancy. Прошу обратить внимание.

Page4. Saints…
'Fancy (to wont to see or do something) seeing your photo in the papers, Stefan? And not in a clinch with a TV star but next to a mug shot (a photo of one's face taken for police records) of Billy Saunders?'

Page12. Standing…
Neither Bliss nor Robison had fancied a drink after work, and he hadn't been about (to be going to do something very soon) to ask Cowan.

Page117. Standing…
'There's a game in Edinburgh this weekend if you fancy (to want to do something) it,' she was saying. 'Though not,'
she added, seeing the look on his face. '

Page151. Standing…
'Any of them take your fancy (to be liked or wanted)?' 
     'A couple,' He tapped them with his finger. Clarke had to agree.

Page239. Standing…
'Just fancied (to imagine or think) a drink,' Cafferty responded. He was dressed as usual in a black leather jacket with a black polo neck beneath.

Page246. Standing…
'Fancy (to want to have or do) an ice cream on the seafront this weekend?'
     'Will it be bracing (cold or perhaps windy)?'

Page298. Standing…
Arnold responded by asking if they fancied (to want to do something) a drink later. Clarke told him she couldn't, while Rebus said he'd consider it.

Page407. Standing…
'Do you fancy (to want to have or to do something) it?'
     'I'd have to take a vow (a serious promise or decision) of silence, wouldn't I?'

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