От автора

Уважаемые любители английского языка. Это образовательный сайт который имеет некоторое практическое применение. Если вы дочитаете текст до конца, то вы поймете чем я, собственно, увлечен. Приглашаю вас присоединиться к проекту и учить язык вместе. Спасибо.

Many people say to me that it’s very difficult and boring to read English books. Do you know why? Because every few words, they have to go to the dictionary. So, they are reading with a dictionary in one hand and a book or magazine article in the other. This is very tiring. And, yes, all of us understand this. Remember that many words can have more than one meaning. So, how do you know which one is yours? You don’t, and you go through each one until you find the meaning that applies to the context. Some of them will have subentries. It can be both a noun and a verb. All of that takes a lot of time and a lot of work. Yes, learning a foreign language takes a lot of work. But if you want to build your vocabulary, you have to read! Read a lot, a lot, a lot. While reading books in English, I often come across many uncommon words, idioms, phrasal verbs, and geographical names (which I can never place on the map). Normally, I use up to three dictionaries to understand the meaning. Sometimes, I can’t find the right answers. These efforts take a lot of time, which is upsetting. Like me, many people in the world experience the same problems while reading texts in original English.

I decided to help others and started to explain and illustrate all the difficult terms and phrases in these texts, making the meaning clearer for everyone. My language support tool makes reading English-language texts much easier. It also helps second language readers learn new English words and phrases by using the texts as textbooks. 

This venture is a hobby for me now, but I hope it becomes a business. I invite everyone to participate in my project.

What can I say to publishers? Be more considerate of the needs of second-language readers around the world and make a new service available.

What can I say to second-language readers? I hope you will use BookHelper💗 to enjoy reading texts in English and studying the language simultaneously!

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