суббота, 24 сентября 2016 г.

Интересное слово dawn.

Page241. Standing…
As it dawned (to become obvious), however, that Cafferty was staying inside, he began to look a little more anxious. Rebus lit the cigarette of his own and kept walking.

Page418. Standing…
  'Best if we get a move on, then, before it dawns (to become known or obvious) on them there's no cavalry in the vicinity (the immediately surrounding area).’

Page28. Saints…
'Powdered?' Rebus said. 'What is this, World War Two?' I thought we were at the dawn of (the start of a period of time or the beginning of something new) a shiny new country?'

'In time for the dawn chorus (birds start singing at the start of the day).' He told her about Jessica Traynor's phone call.

Page335. Saints…
'Why are you asking?' Then it dawned (to become obvious). 'You the police?'

Page311. Saints…

Only then did it dawn (the period of the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky): he had driven to St. Leonard's police station.

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