вторник, 27 июня 2023 г.

Grammar Tips. Hyphen.

Two or more words that collectively act as an adjective should be hyphenated when they appear immediately before the noun they modify. This helps prevent misreading.

INCORRECT: I have a 12 year old daughter.

CORRECT: I have a 12-year-old daughter.

INCORRECT: We rented a four bedroom apartment.

CORRECT: We rented a four-bedroom apartment.

INCORRECT: My purchase comes with a money back guarantee.

CORRECT: My purchase comes with a money-back guarantee.

Here are some more examples of two or more words acting as an adjective and hyphenated when they appear immediately before the noun they modify:

1. The state-of-the-art technology revolutionized the industry.

2. She has a well-established career in the finance sector.

3. The time-sensitive project requires immediate attention.

4. We had a face-to-face meeting to discuss the matter.

5. The newly-elected president delivered an inspiring speech.

6. They live in a child-friendly neighborhood.

7. He is a self-made millionaire.

8. The city has a vibrant, fast-paced lifestyle.

9. I need to buy a travel-friendly backpack for my trip.

10. We enjoyed a home-cooked meal.

In these examples, the hyphenated phrases modify the nouns (technology, career, project, meeting, president, neighborhood, millionaire, lifestyle, backpack, meal) by providing additional information or describing the nature or quality of the noun. The hyphens help clarify the relationship between the words and avoid ambiguity.

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