четверг, 22 июня 2023 г.

Grammar Tips. Comma 10.

An afterthought that follows the main clause can be set off with a comma.

Here is a list of "afterthought" expressions that are commonly used in English:

1. By the way

2. Anyway

3. In any case

4. In any event

5. In retrospect

6. On second thought

7. In passing

8. As an afterthought

9. As a side note

10. Just as a reminder

11. Adding to that

12. Speaking of which

13. Oh, and one more thing

14. And, oh yeah

15. As a final note

16. As a closing remark

17. In conclusion

18. Lastly, but not least

19. Additionally

20. Moreover

These expressions are often used to add additional information or thoughts to a conversation or statement, often at the end or as a follow-up to the main point.

INCORRECT: It was not a good movie to be honest.

CORRECT: It was a good movie, to be honest.

INCORRECT: Take me back to that place please.

CORRECT: Take me back to that place, please.

CORRECT: We will not go with them, however.

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