понедельник, 31 октября 2016 г.

Word "CRACK" in "Standing in another man's grave" and "Saints of the shadow Bible". Useful and worth to pay attention.

Page 79. Standing…
As he had guessed, the beer garden was a rectangle ofcracked (not perfect) concrete (construction material) with weeds (any wild plant that grows in an unwonted place) growing through.
Page 130. Standing…
Her voice had grown shrill (a loud and high sound that is unpleasant). It cracked (to become week, to change tone esp. to a higher register) on the last few words
Page207. Standing…
No wardrobe either, just a rail for jackets, shirts and trousers, and a chipped (a crack or flaw caused by the removal of a small pieces) chest of drawers for everything else.
Page262. Standing…
The one he picked - for its title more than anything - was Cracking the Code. He took it upstairs to bed with him, the barman's last words echoing in his head:
     Pleasant dreams 
Page332. Standing…
He just hoped he hadn't cracked (to break something so that it does not separate) one.
Page274. Standing…
One broken toe (any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot), two broken fingers, one cracked rib, a tooth missing, damage to the kidneys…
Page357. Standing…
Maggie Magrath couldn't look Rebus in the face, and he realised (to understand the situation, sometimes suddenly) suddenly that she knew - knew or had had her suspicions (a belief or idea that something maybe true).
'Just go,' she said, her voice cracking (to change tone esp. to a higher register) .  
Page375. Standing…
With his belly full and another pot of tea on its way, he felt more human, there were plenty of papers to help him bide his time (to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do something), plus the hotel's copy of Cracking the Code. He'd asked for the TV to be turned to a news channel, but with the sound muted.
Page171. Standing…
It was tarmacked (black material used for building roads), but with grass sprouting through cracks in the surface.

Page19. Saints…
The nurse explained that she had been lucky - a suspected fracture (a break or crack in something hard, especially a bone) of one ankle (the joint between the foot and the leg or the thin part of the leg just above foot), some bruised (an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something) ribs, and other minor injuries consistent with whiplash (a neck injury caused by sudden forward movement of the upper body, especially in a car accident).
Page132. Saints…
A lot happened back then, and one crack in the dam (a wall that stops the river's flow and collects the water) might be all that's needed…' Paterson paused, looking Rebus up and down.
He cracked his head against the corner of the stone fireplace and bleeding to the brain did the rest.'
Page269. Saints…

'Saunders is my priority, John.' She checked her watch. 'Which means I need to get back and crack the whip  (to use the authority to cause people to do more or work harder).'

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