воскресенье, 9 октября 2016 г.

Sash window, кто не знает и хорошее слово stuffy.

I.Rankin. "Standing in another man's grave"

Page406. Standing…

Rebus rose from his chair and poured himself a drink, then thought better of it and pushed it aside. Instead he lit a cigarette, heading to the sash window (a window that has two frames fixed one above the other that open by being moved up and down) and pulling it open so Clarke couldn't complain.
     'Promising,' he decided, blowing smoke through the gap. 'No more than that.'

Page319. Standing…
Rebus scooped up the rest of the mail and went into the living room. It felt stuffy (no fresh air), so he prizeopen (to move or force with a lever)  one of the sash windows (a window that has two frames fixed one above the other that open by being moved up and down), then turned up the radiator to compensate.

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