четверг, 8 сентября 2016 г.

Слово snatch встретилось мне 14 раз.

Нужно также обратить внимание на bargaining, set out, overhearing, pretty, stalking и pull over. 

Page86. Standing…
  'We are finished,' Cafferty stated, rising to his feet and snatching (to take something quickly and suddenly) his phone.

Page115. Standing…
What do you think he would do if it turned out one of them had snatched (to take someone away by force) your sister? What if they were using her as a bargaining (to discuss conditions) tool of some kind?'

Page180. Standing…
He pulled over (if vehicles pulled over it moves to the side of the road and stops) and sat for a few minutes with the windows down, overhearing  (to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge) snatches (a short part of something) of conversation and watching as they set out (to start a journey) for the day.

Page197. Standing..
'Okay, then.' Hammell paused. 'He's the one you think snatched (to take someone away by force) Annette.'

Page234. Standing…
  'Doesn't mean he didn't snatch (to take someone away by force) Annette?"     'Yes, it does. We're pretty (quite, but not extremely) confident they're all linked.'
     'Convince me.'

Page240. Standing…
'Hammell's a player, and she's the next best thing he has to a daughter of his own. It can't be down to chance that she was snatched. Have you spoken to Calum MacBride or Stuart Macleod?'

Page376. Standing..
'Will you at least do a bit more digging? Check where he was when the other victims were snatched (to take someone away by force) …'

Page385. Standing…
Bliss made a guttural sound (produced at the back of the throat and therefore deep) and snatched (to take something quickly and suddenly) the carrier bag from his desk, shoving (to move your body to make space for someone else) his way past Rebus and stalking (to walk in an angry and proud way) down the corridor.

Page408. Standing..
Easy enough to find him, have him followed to the Tummel Arms and then snatch (to take hold of something suddenly and roughly) him.


He snatched (to take hold of something suddenly and roughly) at it and saw that its recording function was on.

Page86. Saints…

'We are finished,' Cafferty stated, rising to his feet and snatching (to take something quickly and suddenly) his phone.

Page185. Saints…
Fox snatched (to take something quickly and suddenly) the report from Cuttle's hands.

Page347. Saints…
When the phone rang again, he snatched (to take hold suddenly and roughly)  at it.

Page360. Saints…
Snatching (to take something or someone away by force) the book from him, she spat on its cover, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand afterwards.

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