понедельник, 5 сентября 2016 г.

Слово growl встречается довольно часто.Мне встретилось здесь 13 раз.

Page148. Standing..
  'You planning to scare off every man I've got working here?' Soames asked, hands stuffed into jacket pockets.
The traffic was its usual diesel growl (a low sound), choking (to fill something such as road, so that nothing can pass through) the air and ensuring they had to shout.

Page160. Standing…
  'One of my guys would have driven her!' Hammell growled (to make a low, rough sound).

Page242. Standing…
'Useless,' Tony Kaye growled (to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger). He turned towards Fox.
'All this effort, Malcolm - for what exactly?'
     'For a result.'

Page257. Standing…
'You'll know when everybody else does,' Rebus growled (to make a low, rough sound).
     'What the hell's going on?'

  Page308. Standing…
The engine growled (to make a low, rough sound) into life; none of the dashboard's warning lights came on.

  'I made you who you are,' Hammell growled (a low sound), trying to wrestle (to contend or struggle) free.

Page364. Standing…
When he took a deep breath and exhaled, it sounded like a growl. Rebus stood his ground (to refuse to be pushed backwards, or continue in your beliefs in an argument), awaiting the man's next move.

But his stomach was growling (a deep noise) and he had to be at the Sheriff Court by three.

Page154. Saints…
Traynor stared hard at Clarke. 'I knew that was what this was about,' he growled  (to make a low, rough sound). 'You're desperate to put some mug (to assault usually with intend to rob) in the frame - any mug!'

Page238. Saints…
With a growl from engine, the car sped off.
     'I maybe just lost you a sale,' Rebus apologized.

Rebus nodding mutely  (without speaking). And then the growling voice again.

Rebus noticed a car number plate resting against the wall next to the guard dog. He walked over and picked it up, ignoring the dog's growls.
     'This car?' he asked.

When he took a deep breath and exhaled, it sounded like a growl. Rebus stood his ground (to refuse to be pushed backwards, or continue in your beliefs in an argument), awaiting the man's next move.

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